About me

My research interests include anything that has to do with structural microeconometrics. Most recently, I have been working on college admission mechanisms and spatial location of firms. In the past years, I have taught courses in econometrics, empirical industrial organization, market design, microeconomics and economic geography.

You can reach me by email (last_name at gmail dot com).


Retaking in High Stakes Exams: Is Less More?
Veronica Frisancho, Kala Krishna, Sergey Lychagin, 2018, International Economic Review, vol. 59, No. 2.

Spillovers, Absorptive Capacity and Agglomeration
Sergey Lychagin, 2016, Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 96.

Spillovers in Space: Does Geography Matter?
Sergey Lychagin, Joris Pinkse, Margaret Slade, John Van Reenen, 2016, Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 64, No. 2.
(VoxEU article)

Better Luck Next Time: Learning Through Retaking
Veronica Frisancho, Kala Krishna, Sergey Lychagin, Cemile Yavas, 2016, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 125.

Back on the Rails: Competition and Productivity in State-owned Industry
Sanghamitra Das, Kala Krishna, Sergey Lychagin, Rohini Somanathan, 2013, AEJ Applied, vol. 5, No. 1.
(VoxEU article)

Working papers

Pareto Improvements in the Contest for College Admissions
Kala Krishna, Sergey Lychagin, Wojciech Olszewski, Ron Siegel, Chloe Tergiman, 2022.
(VoxEU article) R&R at the Review of Economic Studies.

Deconstructing the Placement Gender Gap: Performance vs Preferences.
Pelin Akyol, Kala Krishna, Sergey Lychagin, 2022.

Non-parametrically Estimating Preferences in Presence of Strategic Reports: Application to College Admissions.
Roman Istomin, Kala Krishna, Sergey Lychagin, 2018.